Walleye Best Fishing Tips

Are you ready to take your walleye fishing game to the next level? Discover the best tips and techniques that will enhance your chances of reeling in those prized walleye across the United States.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding the habits and behaviors of walleye is crucial for successful fishing.
  • Walleye are opportunistic predators that actively hunt in low-light conditions and at night.
  • Low-light conditions such as dawn, dusk, and night are the best times to fish for walleye.
  • Overcast days and windy conditions stimulate walleye feeding activity.
  • Consider the seasonal cycles and daily movements of walleye to locate them effectively.
  • Live bait, such as minnows, nightcrawlers, and leeches, is a popular choice for walleye fishing.
  • Jigging with fireball style jigs is recommended when using live bait for walleye.
  • Explore different rigs, such as slip bobber rigs, live bait rigs, and spinner rigs, for walleye fishing.
  • Crankbaits, jerkbaits, and blade baits are popular lure options for attracting walleye.

Understanding Walleye Fishing Basics

Before you hit the water in search of walleye, it’s important to understand their habits and behaviors, as well as the essential fishing techniques and strategies that will increase your chances of success. Walleye are opportunistic predators that can be found in lakes, rivers, and reservoirs. They have excellent low-light vision, which allows them to actively hunt in low-light conditions and at night. Knowing this, you can plan your fishing trips accordingly, focusing on early morning, evening, and nighttime fishing.

Walleye have a diverse diet that includes fish, crayfish, frogs, and more. To effectively target them, it’s crucial to use bait and lures that mimic their natural prey. Live bait, such as minnows, nightcrawlers, and leeches, is a popular choice among walleye anglers. This allows you to present a realistic meal to entice the fish to strike. Additionally, jigs, crankbaits, jerkbaits, and blade baits are lures that can effectively attract walleye.

When it comes to finding walleye, their movement patterns and preferred habitats play a significant role. They are bentho-pelagic fish, meaning they utilize both deep and shallow water to their advantage. Throughout the day, they may move from deep areas to shallow areas in search of food. Structural complexes such as rocky areas, deep vegetation, and sunken wood cover are prime locations to target walleye. These areas provide shelter and attract prey, making them ideal feeding grounds for walleye.

Expert Advice for Success

  1. Pay attention to low-light conditions: Dawn, dusk, and nighttime are the best times to catch walleye. Overcast days and windy conditions can also stimulate their feeding activity.
  2. Consider seasonal cycles: Understanding walleye’s behavior during different times of the year can help you plan your fishing trips more effectively. They may be found in different areas or exhibit specific feeding patterns depending on the season.
  3. Experiment with different techniques: Jigging is a popular technique for walleye fishing, especially when using fireball style jigs with live bait. However, don’t be afraid to try other rigs such as slip bobber rigs, live bait rigs, and spinner rigs.
  4. Observe the water temperature: Walleye are sensitive to changes in water temperature. During certain times of the year, they may concentrate in specific areas where the temperature is most favorable.

By understanding the basics of walleye fishing and implementing these expert tips, you’ll be well-equipped to increase your chances of success on your next fishing adventure. Remember to respect fishing regulations, practice catch-and-release when necessary, and enjoy the thrill of reeling in these remarkable predatory fish.

Walleye Fishing BasicsKey Takeaways
Walleye are opportunistic predators that actively hunt in low-light conditions and at night.Plan your fishing trips during early morning, evening, and nighttime.
Live bait such as minnows, nightcrawlers, and leeches are popular choices for walleye fishing.Use bait that mimics their natural prey to increase your chances of attracting walleye.
Rocky areas, deep vegetation, and sunken wood cover are prime locations to target walleye.Focus your fishing efforts on these structural complexes for greater success.
Pay attention to low-light conditions, consider seasonal cycles, and experiment with different techniques.These factors can significantly impact your walleye fishing success.

Best Times and Locations for Walleye Fishing

Timing and location are crucial when it comes to walleye fishing. Discovering the best times of day, weather conditions, and prime locations can significantly increase your chances of a successful walleye catch. Walleye are known for their opportunistic feeding habits, particularly during low-light conditions such as dawn, dusk, and night. Overcast days and windy conditions also stimulate their feeding activity. Understanding their seasonal cycles and daily movements can further enhance your fishing experience.

When searching for walleye, keep in mind their preference for structural complexes. Rocky areas, deep vegetation, and sunken wood cover are all prime locations where walleye tend to gather. These structures provide hiding spots for their prey and allow walleye to ambush their targets effectively. Additionally, walleye are bentho-pelagic fish, meaning they utilize both deep and shallow water to their advantage. Therefore, exploring different depths and areas within a body of water can lead to greater success in finding these elusive fish.

Finding the right bait

Live bait is a popular choice among walleye anglers. It mimics the natural prey of walleye and triggers their predatory instincts. Minnows, nightcrawlers, and leeches are all effective options for enticing walleye. Make sure to present the live bait in a natural and enticing manner. Using rigs such as slip bobber rigs, live bait rigs, and spinner rigs can also be fruitful in attracting walleye.

Jigging techniques

Jigging is a widely used technique for walleye fishing. It involves using a weighted jig, typically tipped with live bait, and imparting an up-and-down motion to mimic the movement of prey. Fireball style jigs are particularly effective when combined with live bait. The combination of the jig’s movement and the enticing appearance of the live bait can entice walleye strikes.

Opting for lures

If you prefer to use lures instead of live bait, there are several options to consider. Crankbaits, jerkbaits, and blade baits are all popular choices for walleye fishing. These lures can imitate the movements and appearance of various prey, making them enticing to walleye. Experiment with different colors and sizes to find what works best in your fishing location and conditions.

Best TimesBest Locations
Dawn, dusk, and nightRocky areas
Overcast days and windy conditionsDeep vegetation
Sunken wood cover

Live Bait Techniques for Walleye Fishing

Live bait can be a game-changer when it comes to walleye fishing. Discover the best live bait options and techniques for enticing walleye to strike.

When targeting walleye, using live bait can be highly effective. It provides a natural presentation that mimics the prey walleye are accustomed to hunting. There are several popular live bait options that have proven successful for walleye fishing, including minnows, nightcrawlers, and leeches.

Minnows are a top choice for walleye anglers. These small fish can be hooked through the lips or behind the dorsal fin and presented on a variety of rigs, such as a slip bobber rig or a live bait rig. Nightcrawlers are another great option, particularly when fishing in deeper water. They can be threaded onto a hook or presented on a harness rig. Leeches are also effective, especially during the summer months when walleye are more active. They can be hooked through the sucker end or threaded onto a jig.

When using live bait for walleye, it’s important to consider the presentation. One effective technique is to use a slow, steady retrieve, allowing the bait to swim naturally through the water. Another technique is to add small twitches or pauses to mimic injured prey. Experimentation with different retrieval speeds and actions can help determine what entices walleye to strike.

Tips for Using Live Bait for Walleye Fishing:

  • Choose the right size bait for the walleye in your fishing location. Larger walleye tend to prefer larger baits, while smaller walleye prefer smaller baits.
  • When using live minnows, consider the water temperature. In colder water, use smaller minnows, while larger minnows can be more effective in warmer water.
  • For nightcrawler fishing, consider using a worm blower to add buoyancy and make the bait more visible to walleye.
  • When fishing with leeches, try different rigging options such as a slip sinker rig or a Lindy rig to find what works best in your fishing location.

By using live bait and employing the right techniques, you can increase your chances of landing that prized walleye. Remember to experiment with different bait options, presentations, and retrieval techniques to find what works best for you. Happy fishing!

Popular Live Bait Options for Walleye FishingRecommended Techniques
Minnows– Hook through lips or behind dorsal fin
– Present on slip bobber rig or live bait rig
Nightcrawlers– Thread onto a hook or harness rig
– Use slow, steady retrieve or add twitches/pauses for injured prey imitation
Leeches– Hook through sucker end or thread onto jig
– Experiment with different rigging options such as slip sinker rig or Lindy rig

Jigging Techniques for Walleye Fishing

Jigging is a tried and tested technique for walleye fishing. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced angler, mastering different jigging techniques can greatly increase your chances of hooking into walleye. One popular approach is using fireball style jigs with live bait, which can be highly effective in enticing those elusive walleye.

When it comes to jigging for walleye, it’s important to understand the movement and behavior of these fish. Walleye are known to suspend at various depths, so it’s crucial to experiment with different jigging depths until you find where they’re biting. Start by casting your jig out and allowing it to sink to the desired depth before beginning your jigging motion.

One effective jigging technique is to hop or bounce the jig off the bottom. This imitates a wounded or fleeing baitfish, which can trigger a walleye’s predatory instincts. To do this, lift your rod tip sharply and then quickly lower it, creating an upward and downward motion. Pause briefly between each lift to allow the jig to flutter back down. This technique can be particularly successful when walleye are in a more aggressive feeding mood.

Tips for Successful Jigging:

  • Experiment with different jigging depths to find where the walleye are biting.
  • Use a variety of jigging motions, such as hopping, snapping, or dragging, to imitate different baitfish movements.
  • Pay attention to the action of your line, as any sudden movement or slack could indicate a walleye strike.
  • Consider using a fish finder or sonar device to locate schools of walleye and identify their preferred depth.
  • When using fireball style jigs with live bait, make sure to thread the bait securely onto the hook to prevent it from slipping off.

So, next time you hit the water in search of walleye, don’t forget to bring your jigs and practice different jigging techniques. It’s a versatile and proven method that can help you land more walleye and make your fishing experience even more rewarding.

Lure Selection for Walleye Fishing

Ready to try your hand at catching walleye with lures? Explore the different types of lures and learn how to choose and use them to increase your chances of success.

When it comes to lure selection for walleye fishing, it’s essential to consider the specific conditions and preferences of these elusive fish. Crankbaits are a popular choice among anglers due to their versatility and ability to cover a wide range of depths. These lures mimic the movements of baitfish and can be used effectively in both shallow and deep water. Look for models that have a subtle wobble and natural colors to entice wary walleye.

Jerkbaits are another effective option for targeting walleye. These lures imitate injured baitfish and can trigger aggressive strikes. Choose jerkbaits with a suspending or slow-sinking action, allowing you to work them at various depths. Experiment with different retrieval speeds and pauses to find the presentation that triggers the most strikes. Natural colors such as silver, white, and perch patterns tend to be successful in clear water, while brighter colors can attract attention in murky conditions.

Blade baits are popular for vertical jigging and can be highly effective when walleye are holding on the bottom. These baits are designed to vibrate and create flash, simulating a wounded baitfish. Choose models in the 1/4 to 1/2 ounce range, as they are versatile and can be easily controlled. Experiment with different colors and blade patterns to find what works best in your fishing location.

Lure TypeBest Fishing ConditionsRecommended Models
CrankbaitsShallow and deep waterRapala Shad Rap, Bomber Deep Long A
JerkbaitsVarying depths, injured baitfish imitationRapala X-Rap, Megabass Vision Oneten
Blade BaitsVertical jigging, bottom-holding walleyeCotton Cordell Gay Blade, Silver Buddy

In addition to lure selection, it’s important to experiment with different retrieves and presentations. Walleye can be finicky at times, so varying your technique can make a significant difference in your success. Remember to pay attention to water clarity, weather conditions, and the specific behavioral patterns of walleye in your chosen fishing location.

So, next time you head out for walleye fishing, be sure to pack a variety of lures in your tackle box. Crankbaits, jerkbaits, and blade baits can offer you the versatility needed to adapt to changing conditions and trigger strikes from even the most wary walleye. Happy fishing!


Armed with these expert walleye fishing tips and tricks, you’re now equipped to make each cast count as you reel in the big ones across the United States!

When it comes to walleye fishing, understanding the species is key. These opportunistic predators can be found in lakes, rivers, and reservoirs, utilizing both deep and shallow water to their advantage. With their excellent low-light vision, walleye are most active during low-light conditions such as dawn, dusk, and night, as well as on overcast days and windy conditions.

To increase your chances of success, it’s crucial to consider walleye’s seasonal cycles and daily movements. Look for structural complexes like rocky areas, deep vegetation, and sunken wood cover, as these are popular spots where walleye like to hide and hunt.

In terms of bait and techniques, live bait such as minnows, nightcrawlers, and leeches are a popular choice among anglers. Jigging is also a common technique, with fireball style jigs being recommended for use with live bait. Additionally, using rigs like slip bobber rigs, live bait rigs, and spinner rigs can be highly effective in attracting walleye.

When it comes to lures, crankbaits, jerkbaits, and blade baits are the go-to options for catching walleye. These lures mimic the movement and appearance of their natural prey, enticing walleye to strike. Experiment with different colors, sizes, and retrieval speeds to find what works best in your fishing location.

So, whether you’re fishing on a serene lake or a raging river, these tips and tricks will help you optimize your walleye fishing experience. Remember, practice makes perfect, so get out there, explore different techniques, and enjoy the thrill of reeling in those prized walleye!


What are the best times to fish for walleye?

The best times to fish for walleye are during low-light conditions such as dawn, dusk, and night. Overcast days and windy conditions also stimulate walleye feeding activity.

Where can walleye be found?

Walleye can be found in lakes, rivers, and reservoirs. They are bentho-pelagic fish, meaning they utilize both deep and shallow water to their advantage.

What is the diet of walleye?

Walleye have a diet that consists of fish, crayfish, frogs, and more. They are opportunistic predators that actively hunt in low-light conditions and at night.

What are some effective techniques for walleye fishing?

Popular techniques for walleye fishing include jigging, using live bait rigs, slip bobber rigs, and spinner rigs. Crankbaits, jerkbaits, and blade baits are also popular lure choices.

What are some recommended bait options for walleye fishing?

Recommended live bait options for walleye fishing include minnows, nightcrawlers, and leeches. Using fireball style jigs with live bait is also recommended for maximum success.