California Aqueduct Fishing Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive California Aqueduct Fishing Guide. Whether you’re a seasoned angler or new to fishing in the aqueduct, this guide will provide you with all the tips and information you need to have a successful fishing experience.

Key Takeaways:

  • The California Aqueduct is a man-made waterway managed by the California Department of Water Resources.
  • The aqueduct stretches for about 444 miles and offers 16 designated fishing locations.
  • Popular fish species in the California Aqueduct include largemouth bass, carp, striped bass, and catfish.
  • Aqueduct fishing requires anglers to look for irregularities in the water, such as bridge supports and bends, where fish congregate.
  • Safety precautions should be taken due to swift currents and anglers may need to hike to find active fish.

Now, let’s dive into the details of fishing regulations, the best fishing spots, techniques, and more to enhance your California Aqueduct fishing adventure.

Fishing Regulations and Season

Before you head out to fish in the California Aqueduct, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the fishing regulations and know the fishing season for the best chances of success. The California Aqueduct is a man-made waterway managed by the California Department of Water Resources, stretching for about 444 miles. Fortunately, it is legal to fish in the aqueduct, providing anglers with ample opportunities to enjoy their favorite pastime.

When fishing in the California Aqueduct, it’s crucial to adhere to the fishing regulations set in place. Make sure you have the necessary permits and licenses, as well as a basic understanding of the catch limits for each species. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife provides detailed information on its website regarding fishing rules and regulations in the state, including those specific to the aqueduct.

While the regulations are important, it’s equally vital to consider the fishing season. Different fish species have varying peak seasons, and being aware of these can significantly improve your chances of a successful fishing trip. Generally, the prime fishing season in the California Aqueduct falls between spring and fall when the water temperatures are optimal and fish are most active.

Fishing Regulations and Season:

Obtain the required fishing permits and licenses.Spring to Fall
Adhere to catch limits for each species.

By understanding and respecting the fishing regulations and season, you can make the most of your fishing experience in the California Aqueduct. Whether you’re casting a line for largemouth bass, carp, striped bass, or catfish, following the rules and regulations ensures the sustainability of the fish populations and preserves the natural beauty of the aqueduct for future generations of anglers to enjoy.

Best Fishing Spots on California Aqueduct

Discover the best fishing spots along the California Aqueduct, where you can find a variety of fish species and increase your chances of a successful catch. The California Aqueduct is a man-made waterway managed by the California Department of Water Resources, stretching for about 444 miles. With its diverse aquatic ecosystem, the Aqueduct offers ample opportunities for anglers of all skill levels.

Fish Species Found in the California Aqueduct

Before we dive into the top fishing spots, let’s take a look at the fish species you can expect to encounter in the California Aqueduct. The Aqueduct is home to a variety of fish, including largemouth bass, carp, striped bass, and catfish. These species provide exciting challenges and rewarding catches for anglers.

Top Fishing Spots

Now, let’s explore some of the best fishing spots along the California Aqueduct. These locations have been favored by experienced anglers for their abundance of fish and beautiful surroundings:

  • San Luis Reservoir: Known for its large striped bass, San Luis Reservoir is a popular spot for anglers looking for trophy-sized catches. The reservoir offers breathtaking views and a peaceful fishing experience.
  • Mendota Pool: Located near the town of Mendota, this fishing spot is known for its abundant carp population. Anglers can enjoy catching carp of various sizes while enjoying the serene atmosphere.
  • Delta-Mendota Canal: Offering a diverse range of fish species, including largemouth bass and catfish, the Delta-Mendota Canal is a great spot for anglers looking for variety. The canal’s calm waters make it suitable for both beginners and experienced fishermen.
LocationPrimary Fish Species
San Luis ReservoirStriped Bass
Mendota PoolCarp
Delta-Mendota CanalLargemouth Bass, Catfish

These are just a few of the many excellent fishing spots along the California Aqueduct. Remember to check fishing regulations, obtain the necessary permits, and practice safe fishing techniques to make the most of your angling adventure. Good luck and happy fishing!

Fishing Tips and Techniques

Enhance your fishing skills in the California Aqueduct with our expert tips and techniques that will help you maximize your chances of landing a trophy fish.

  • Choose the right bait: When fishing in the California Aqueduct, it’s important to select baits that appeal to the fish species you’re targeting. Cutbaits such as anchovies and sardines are great for attracting striped bass, while live minnows or worms are effective for catching largemouth bass and catfish. Experiment with different baits to see what works best for you.
  • Try jerkbaits: Jerkbaits are versatile lures that imitate injured baitfish. They are highly effective in the California Aqueduct, especially for targeting striped bass. Cast your jerkbait near bridge supports or bends in the water where fish tend to congregate, and use a jerking motion to mimic an injured fish. This technique can entice even the most finicky of fish.
  • Utilize planar boards for trolling: Trolling with planar boards is a popular technique for covering a larger area of the California Aqueduct and increasing your chances of catching fish. Attach your lure to a planar board and let it swim away from your boat, covering a wider range. This technique works well for targeting largemouth bass and striped bass.

“Using the right bait and techniques can make all the difference when fishing in the California Aqueduct. Don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things. Every angler has their own style and preferences, so find what works best for you and enjoy the thrill of reeling in those trophy fish.”

Remember, fishing in the California Aqueduct requires proper permits, so make sure you have the necessary documentation before casting your line. Stay safe by being aware of swift currents and always practice caution when hiking along the aqueduct. With these expert tips and techniques, you’ll be well-equipped to make the most of your fishing experience in the California Aqueduct.

Fish SpeciesPreferred Baits
Largemouth BassLive minnows, worms, jerkbaits
Striped BassCutbaits (anchovies, sardines), jerkbaits
CatfishLive minnows, worms, cutbaits

Now that you’re armed with these valuable fishing tips and techniques, it’s time to hit the California Aqueduct and put your skills to the test. Whether you’re a seasoned angler or just starting out, the aqueduct offers ample opportunities to reel in some impressive catches. Good luck and happy fishing!

Fish Species in the California Aqueduct

Explore the diverse fish species that inhabit the waters of the California Aqueduct and learn about their unique characteristics and fishing patterns.

The California Aqueduct, spanning over 444 miles and managed by the California Department of Water Resources, is home to a variety of fish species. Anglers can expect to encounter largemouth bass, carp, striped bass, and catfish, among others. Each species offers its own set of challenges and rewards for anglers seeking to test their skills.

When targeting largemouth bass in the aqueduct, anglers should focus their efforts in areas with structure, such as bridge supports and bends. These elusive fish are known to hide in these irregularities, waiting for prey. Using lures such as jerkbaits and soft plastics can entice their predatory instincts.

For those seeking the thrill of catching striped bass, trolling with planar boards can be highly effective. These impressive fish are migratory by nature and can be found in different sections of the aqueduct at various times of the year. Patience and persistence are key when pursuing striped bass.

Fish SpeciesPreferred HabitatFishing Techniques
Largemouth BassAreas with structure, such as bridge supports and bendsJerkbaits, soft plastics
CarpShallow areas with vegetationBait such as corn or dough balls
Striped BassOpen water, near deep channelsTrolling with planar boards
CatfishDeep pools, under bridgesChicken liver, cutbaits

Catfish, on the other hand, prefer deeper pools and can often be found lurking under bridges. Using baits like chicken liver and cutbaits can lure these bottom-dwelling fish out of their hiding spots. Keep in mind that catfish have a strong sense of smell, so using scented baits can increase your chances of success.

Remember to always consult the California Aqueduct Fishing Regulations for specific guidelines and requirements before you embark on your fishing adventure. With its diverse fish species and unique fishing opportunities, the California Aqueduct is a haven for anglers in search of memorable experiences.

Safety Precautions and Considerations

Prioritize your safety and ensure a smooth fishing experience in the California Aqueduct by following these essential safety precautions and obtaining the necessary permits.

1. Obtain the required permits

Before embarking on your fishing adventure in the California Aqueduct, make sure you have the appropriate permits. Check with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife for the necessary fishing licenses and permits. Remember, complying with regulations not only ensures a legal fishing experience but also contributes to the conservation of aquatic resources.

2. Be aware of the swift currents

The California Aqueduct can have strong and unpredictable currents, especially during peak water flow periods. Pay attention to local water conditions and be cautious when fishing near swift-moving water. It’s advisable to wear a life jacket and practice safe angling techniques to avoid accidents.

3. Exercise caution when hiking and exploring the aqueduct

The California Aqueduct covers vast stretches of land, and anglers often need to hike to find active fish. When venturing out, wear appropriate footwear, carry essential supplies, and let someone know about your fishing plans. Familiarize yourself with the surroundings and be mindful of potential hazards, such as slippery surfaces and steep embankments.

4. Stay alert to weather changes

Weather conditions can change rapidly, affecting water levels and safety. Monitor weather forecasts before heading out and keep an eye on the sky during your fishing trip. If you notice sudden changes in weather patterns, such as darkening clouds or thunderstorms approaching, seek shelter and wait until conditions improve before continuing your fishing activities.

5. Respect the environment and fellow anglers

While enjoying the California Aqueduct, practice responsible angling and respect the natural surroundings. Dispose of trash properly, avoid damaging vegetation, and follow catch-and-release practices to preserve fish populations. Additionally, be considerate towards other anglers by maintaining a reasonable distance and adhering to proper etiquette when sharing fishing spots.

Essential Safety PrecautionsObtain the necessary permitsBe aware of swift currents
Exercise caution when hiking and exploringStay alert to weather changesRespect the environment and fellow anglers


Congratulations! You are now equipped with the knowledge and tips to make the most out of your fishing adventures in the California Aqueduct. With its 444-mile stretch, the California Aqueduct offers plenty of opportunities for anglers to enjoy their favorite pastime.

As you venture into the aqueduct, remember to familiarize yourself with the fishing regulations and season. Obtain the necessary permits and stay up-to-date with any changes or restrictions that may apply. By doing so, you can ensure a smooth and legal fishing experience.

Exploring the best fishing spots along the California Aqueduct will increase your chances of landing that prized catch. Keep an eye out for irregularities in the water, such as bridge supports and bends, as these areas are often where fish congregate. Experiment with different lures and baits, such as cutbaits, jerkbaits, and planar boards for trolling, to entice a variety of fish species.

While enjoying your time on the aqueduct, it’s important to prioritize safety. Be mindful of swift currents and always take precautions to ensure your well-being. Remember that some fishing spots may require a bit of hiking to find active fish, so come prepared with appropriate footwear and equipment.

By following these guidelines and armed with your newfound knowledge, you’re ready to embark on unforgettable fishing adventures in the California Aqueduct. So gather your gear, cast your line, and get ready to reel in some remarkable catches!


What is the California Aqueduct?

The California Aqueduct is a man-made waterway managed by the California Department of Water Resources. It stretches for about 444 miles.

Is it legal to fish in the California Aqueduct?

Yes, it is legal to fish in the California Aqueduct.

How many designated fishing locations are there along the aqueduct?

There are 16 designated fishing locations along the California Aqueduct.

What fish species can be found in the California Aqueduct?

Some of the fish species found in the California Aqueduct include largemouth bass, carp, striped bass, and catfish.

Where should anglers look for fish in the aqueduct?

Anglers should look for irregularities in the water, such as bridge supports and bends, where fish can congregate.

What safety precautions should be taken when fishing in the California Aqueduct?

Anglers should take precautions due to swift currents and may need to hike to find active fish.

What lures and baits can be used for fishing in the aqueduct?

Anglers can use different lures and baits such as cutbaits, jerkbaits, and planar boards for trolling in the California Aqueduct.